There's a blue-bird at my window. (or so it seems)

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For the last couple of weeks, there's this little light blue bird who keeps crawling to my window and knocking on it. At first I was just bothered by it, then it kept coming back and it just got weird. I've created this whole theory that the bird is reincarnated and is trying to warn me of something bad that might happen (crazy stuff, right? Yeah, I've got a lot of free time) >_<".

I'm always trying to take photographs of him but whenever I get too close to the window it just flies away, minutes later it gets back to the knocking and singing and whatnot. Crazy theories aside, I've looked it up and found this heart-breaking explanation for what's happening:

This strange behaviour, however, has a less romantic, more scientific explanation. Birds attack shiny surfaces because they see their own reflections. In the case of a window, the bird does not see through the glass: it sees a reflection of the outside, possibly trees and the sky, and another bird of its own species. The real bird does not recognize itself and mistakes the reflected bird for a competitor for territory or mates. It attacks the image in the window, trying to drive the other bird away.

I just hope the little guy doesn't hurt himself with all the 'fighting for his territory' scene. Here's a snapshot I was quick enough to take, just so you guys know this isn't all made-up. Have this ever happened to any of you? :)


  1. nice birdy :3
    never happened to me before, since my house was surrounded by cockraches instead of pretty little blue birds PPPFFTT i hate my housee D:

  2. That has never happened to me before. But when I was in school, a bird flew into a closed window too hard and he died :(

    But the bird looks so nice, I hope it realizes or gives up.
